Powered By Gratitude wants to continue to bring awareness to the challenges that we see daily in our communities. From food insecurity and child hunger, attacking the homelessness crisis in California, to providing training, educational resources and tools to prevent members of our communities ending up in dire straits. Powered By Gratitude has developed a comprehensive plan to combat the growing crises we face every day. By using a community-based approach and building dynamic partnerships, we hope to be apart of a national change.

Powered By Gratitude firmly believes no child should go without a hot meal, daily. We are committed to ending child hunger and food insecurity, at a local and national level. Along with our partners, PBG hopes to achieve serving 200K meals to children in San Bernardino, Riverside and Los Angeles counties.
Project 2nd Chance
At Powered By Gratitude, we believe everyone who has experienced incarceration, deserves a second chance at life. Because of their criminal record, individuals often lack experience, access to education, skills training, jobs and housing. With the help of our partners Powered By Gratitude has developed an immersive program to support people who are committed to redefining themselves, and becoming self-sufficient, positive contributing members of society.

One For ALL, All For ONE
Stay up-to-date with what PBG is doing to assist in the homelessness crisis in California! Big things to come in 2023.